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Programming Projects

12-11-2020- Michigan Sentiment.png

Big Data Project: 

We used tweets dealing with COVID-19 to analyze the sentiment of people living inside of Michigan. The purpose of this is to help locate outbreaks of COVID in communities and to get immediate feedback of peoples' responses of the handling of COVID in their communities. Below is the report stating our process and our results. 

12-08-2020- Michigan Sentiment.png

A 2 player Online Checkers app 

App that allows you to track your distance to a location, also allows you to launch google map directions to that location from inside the app

Short video showing a project I worked on that dealt with green screen work and rotoscoping.

Screenshot (248).png

To the left is the score for my effects component, above is the audio for my score for my effects component.

I have also worked on a music Synthesizer. My main role was creating multiple audio processor effects such as reverb, compression, noise gating, and chorus. Additionally working with other team mates to create a system that supported these effects on top of other instruments to make music.

A graphics project I worked on inside of unity in which me and a small group created an island that had lighting based on time of day. Shadows are effected dynamically and there are three different suns morning, midday, and sunset and this affects all colors on the island. 

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