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Thank you for looking at my page. I am Mike McVey, I graduated from Michigan State University in Spring of 2022. I received my degree in Computer Science with a minor in Game Design and Development. I also worked at Michigan State's Games for Entertainment and Learning Lab.


I am currently studying at the University of Southern California to pursue a Master of Science degree in Computer Science - Game Development. Expected graduation May 2024.



Hunt or be hunted in Cold-Blooded, a first-person action horror game where you are tasked with hunting a dangerous and intelligent entity aboard an abandoned space station. Players will utilize various weapons and equipment while they explore the station and scavenge for resources. Pick your battles with the entity wisely, and ensure it does not find you first...

I was one of the two programmers on this project, I focused on creating all weapons, equipment, and interactions in the game. As well as player controls and advanced movement.


To see more of my games 

Smart Little Hunter of Fakes Application

This application uses brand specific information and hunts through online marketplaces, such as Amazon and eBay, searching for matching product listings. The massive number of returned product listings are sorted and cleaned to ensure that only the reliable listings are presented to the user.

Users review the presented data and provide their expert responses for each product listing, labeling each as “Real,” “Fake,” or “Unknown.” Our system analyzes user responses and returns its own prediction. Over time, this system learns from its users in order to provide more accurate predictions. Our Smart Little Hunter of Fakes application lowers the risk of receiving knockoff products to create a safer shopping experience. Application also has product and listing bookmarking as well as a login system.

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To see more of my programming projects 

Some of the projects I have worked on for the Games for Entertainment and Learning Lab are Isotopolis 2 which is a educational racing game that helps details the process of what goes on at the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams at MSU. Additionally I worked on updating and upkeep of two other VR projects which was my first experience into working with VR. 

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